Course Descriptions
HUM 109 - Introduction to Helping Skills
6 Credits
Introduction to basic helping skills in human services. Examination of professional ethics in helping relationships. Examination of self-awareness and development of beginning active listening skills including, but not limited to, observing, listening, questioning, and challenging in helping relationships. Introducing concepts of empathy, acceptance, and unconditional positive regard.
Students will complete an experiential learning portion totaling 80 hours of field work. Students will explore and gain hands-on practical experience in a community agency based on their interests and goals and participate in discussion and analysis of field work experiences. Students must have satisfied any placement or pre-requisites to be at ENG 101 level.
ENG 101 ready and HUM 100
Course Learning Outcomes
1. Examine what it means to be in helping relationships both as a helper and as a person who receives help, and examine their own behavior as a participant in helping relationships.
2. Introduce foundational theories in the helping field while identifying helping skills including, but not limited to attending, clarification, confrontation, empathy, active listening, and interviewing.
3. Analyze field experience with peers in relation to helping skills in human services.
4. Understand key ethical principles, considerations, and dilemmas relating to, but not limited to, confidentiality, informed consent, competency, and boundaries.
5. Demonstrate professionalism and ethical behavior at field placement site and in seminar.
Course Offered Fall, Spring
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Spring Semester 2025
Summer Session 2025