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Course Descriptions

SGT 202 - Specialty Surgical Procedures

10 Credits

This course presents orientation to specific surgical procedures including plastic and reconstructive surgery, ophthalmic surgery, oral and maxillofacial surgery, neurosurgery, thoracic surgery, cardiac surgery and peripheral vascular surgery with related surgical anatomy and pathophysiology and specialty instrumentation. Special considerations for pediatric surgery will be explored. Clinical practice will employ advanced surgical interventions. Current CPR certification for the professional rescuer is required.

Prerequisite(s): BIO 235 and SGT 201, all with a grade of C or better. Co-requisite(s):: SGT 210

Course Learning Outcomes
1. Assess the relevant anatomy and physiology for surgical procedures involving specified parts of the human body.
2. Apply the concepts of asepsis.
3. Select procedure specific surgical instruments by classification, name, parts, materials, finishes, or function.
4. Compare and contrast various supplies or medications used for specific surgical procedures.
5. Analyze preoperative diagnostic testing for specific surgical procedures.
6. Prioritize appropriate safety considerations in the surgical setting.
7. Interpret the All-Hazards framework.
8. Apply aseptic technique in the sterile role for intraoperative case management of specific surgical cases.
9. Perform assigned duties in the first or second scrub role in a variety of surgical procedures.
10. Apply aseptic technique in the prevention of postoperative wound infections.
11. Demonstrate the proper handling of surgical instruments.
12. Apply surgical conscience as it relates to aseptic technique.
13. Develop strategies to provide appropriate management of specific surgical complications.
14. Demonstrate professional responsibilities of the surgical technologist in a variety of clinical settings.
15. Analyze the relationship between surgical pathologies and health and wellness behaviors.
16. Assess personal sources of stress while dealing with work or life events.

Course Offered Spring

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Spring Semester 2025
Summer Session 2025